Saturday, March 27, 2010


The first time I tried a Mojito was in a bar in Las Vegas. Don't ask me which casino I was in, because I have no idea. It was my first time in Vegas and all my co-worker and I did was walk from one casino to the other stopping in each to have a cocktail (or two). My co-worker was very, um, knowledgeable, about alcoholic beverages. And, while sitting in this one bar I was trying to decide what to order. He suggested I try a Mojito. He was quite convinced that I would like it. He was wrong. I loved it! The Mojito was the perfect combination of rum, mint, soda, and sweetness. And, it had a real sugar cane in it. It was perfection.
Upon my return to Richmond, I've been seeking out the perfect Mojito. Havana 59 came a little close, Cha Cha's that much closer, and Cheesecake Factory (funny enough) hit the nail right on the head. But, I wanted to figure out how to make my own Mojito in the comfort of my own home. So, I went out and bought some peppermint, which to my surprise wasn't the proper herb. Mojitos actually calls for Mint, which I've since planted.

The following recipe is the perfect Mojito in comparison to that awesome one in Vegas. Enjoy on a nice hot day!

1 cup of water
1 cup of sugar
Bunch of Mint picked off the vine (maybe about 3/4 to a cup of mint leaves)
Slice of lime
Dash of Club Soda
2 oz Light Rum
Crushed Ice

First boil 1 cup of water and 1 cup of sugar to make a simple syrup. Stir and then keep an eye on it, because the sugar melts really fast once the water boils. As soon as the sugar is dissolved turn off the burner. Set aside to cool.

Now, take out two glasses, and divide the mint leaves (about 1/4 cup), rum, and simple syrup (about 1/4 cup if you like your mojitos sweet) into each glass. Using a muddler; crush the mint leaves to release the mint flavor from the leaves. Then, add crushed ice to about 3/4 of the glass, top with the club soda , and the juice from a slice of lime into each glass. Stir really well. Serve!

(Click here for printable recipe)

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